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Our Mission:  Mandarin Christian Homeschoolers (MCH) seeks to support and encourage homeschooled children and their families educationally and spiritually as we work to build families that glorify and honor God.  We strive to be an example of Christian living in our community of Jacksonville, Florida. Our mission statement comes from 1 Thessalonians 5:11:  “Therefore encourage one another, and build each other up."

Our Purpose:  Mandarin Christian Homeschoolers exists to provide fellowship to families both within and outside of the church community who have chosen to home educate.  We accomplish this through park days, field trips, social events, and service projects. MCH also sponsors a Friday co-op of parent-led classes with separate and limited membership. For more information on both co-op and general membership, see the links on the left.

Membership:  Send an e-mail to [email protected] if you would like to join our general membership.